As the leading European Union bank, and one of the world’s largest financial institutions with an uninterrupted presence in the region since 1860, BNP Paribas offers a wide range of financial services for corporate, institutional and private investors spanning corporate and institutional banking, wealth management, asset management and insurance. 

We passionately embrace diversity and are committed to fostering an inclusive workplace where all employees are valued and encourage applicants of all backgrounds, including diversity of origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion applicants who may be living with a disability. We have a number of internal employee networks in place to empower our staff to act and challenge the status quo.

•    BNP Paribas PRIDE is highly active in favour of the LGBTQIA+ community
•    BNP Paribas MixCity which fosters better representation of women at all levels of the organization
•    Ability, the mutual aid network for employees with a disability or a disabling or chronic illness
•    BNP Paribas CulturAll which celebrates diverse backgrounds

BNP is committed to financing a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. The Group is a founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance and has set up its own Low Carbon Transition Group to support its clients through their energy transitions.


More information 
BNP Paribas – Diversity & Inclusion Journey
BNP Paribas – The Bank Of Green Changes

Award Obtained
BNPP has won Top employer Europe award in a 10th consecutive yearPosition Purpose

  • Structured credit product structuring & marketing for clients in Japan
  • Through co-work with respective sales, trading, colleagues, market products(including direct exposure with client) and develop product idea proactively
  • Address properly in front of client by compliant with related regulation/rule


Direct Responsibilities

  • Being able to handle price and execute structured credit products
  • Understanding of wrapping/delivery format (eg. Repacks)
  • Interact closely with sales and clients in order to trigger added value deals.
  • Ensure and drive a smooth process of execution with trading, market risk, and sales by complying all relevant rules/guideline to protect franchise

Contributing Responsibilities

  • Contribute to the implementation of operational permanent control policies and procedures in day‐to‐day business

Permanent Control Aspects
Technical & Behavioral Competencies

  • Extensive knowledge of Credit products, and local law/regulations around structured products 
  • Ability to do marketing and presentation in Japanese
  • Disciplined to work on middle-long term solution business
  • Technical background 
  • Understanding about history and style of business about structured funds in Japan

Specific Qualifications (if required)

  • Experience of structured, credit products 
  • Track record of marketing structured products to Japanese clients
Key Responsibilities as follows covering Global Equities
  • Ensure and preserve BNPP’s value and reputation through day-to-day advice to the business and the functions
  • Lead and motivate the team, train junior Compliance officers as necessary
  • Have a good communication and coordination with global and regional FM Compliance colleagues as well as the Domains Compliance Officers.

Advisory-Related Responsibilities within operational perimeter

  • Provide advice to the Financial Markets perimeter on Compliance issues
  •  Support the Co-Head of MI Domain and Financial Markets Advisory Compliance and other team members with regard to the business areas covered by the team but is not mentioned in the above point
  • Work closely with Global Banking Advisory Compliance officers when necessary and take a role from the perspective of Shoken Compliance for transversal situations across Shoken and Ginko
  • Work closely with Compliance Domain Responsible Officers locally (who are handling transversal topics) when necessary
  • Ensure consistency of decisions and operating models through close cooperation with other Compliance officers and business lines
  • Provide training sessions to the teams including both front office and functions of the relevant operational perimeter regarding rules, regulations, policies and procedures within the operational perimeter
  • Ensure high level regulatory watch, update internal policies and procedures according to changes of rules and regulations, and coordinate with the Regional and local functions (e.g. Legal, RISK, local COO), in order to anticipate new regulations and contribute to adapt the Bank’s control framework accordingly
  • Participate in communication with regulators, including inspectors, and participate to regulator relations (e.g. contribute to written answers to specific requests, etc.) when necessary, and provide timely and accurate regulatory submissions
  • Contribute to control plans (including regulatory controls, support businesses in FSA, etc. controls) as applicable
  • Ensure maintenance as well as continued implementation / development of the Group’s internal control framework, internal control plans, Compliance standards and procedures
  • Develop and maintain expertise, advise and assist relevant business lines and functions operating in the area of general Compliance
  • Contribute to participate in and coordinate specific investigations, as necessary
  • Coordinate with the regional/global Business Advisory and Domain Compliance teams for any relevant matter
  • Report on the above through the relevant channels to Compliance Management promptly and accurately and to assist and coordinate with stakeholders within/outside of Compliance as per necessary

Contribute to the Permanent Control framework

  • Help ensure that Compliance continues to contribute to BNP Paribas’ Permanent Control framework.

Key Responsibilities 

Japan CIB covers various business lines under CIB and 4 domains, Financial Sanction (FS) and KYC, Market Integrity (MI), Protection of Interest of Clients (PIC) and Professional Ethics (PE).

This position is a junior-mid level role of Financial Markets (FM) business advisory team mainly focusing on PS&F, Equity, Equity Derivatives advisory topics and also MI.

As a junior-mid level Compliance Officer, you’re expected to; 

  • Provide real-time compliance advice to Global Markets (mainly PS&F, Equity, Equity Derivatives and QIS related business) on Compliance matters on the trading floor.
  • Coordinate views/feedbacks/findings from Japan compliance regarding local regulations, regulatory expectations, practices, and other items as needed, and provide them to global/regional Compliance teams.
  • Coordinate views/feedbacks/findings from Compliance to the relevant businesses within the Financial Markets area, coordinating within the Japan compliance team as well as, where needed, with the regional and/or global Compliance teams.
  • Manage and perform day-to-day compliance controls to secure BNPP Permanent Control framework.
  • Provide training sessions regarding rules, regulations, policies and procedures to Global Markets or other related departments.
  • Analyse regulations and global/regional policies in case there are any new laws/regulations/rules/policies or there is any update and consider the applicability.  Where applicable, to update internal policies and procedures in accordance with any such changes.
  • To handle any incident with regulatory impact collaborating with the necessary stakeholders and functions
  • Communicate with Japanese regulatory authorities including inspectors.

Competencies (Technical/Behavioural)

  • Ability/Desire to solve compliance issues with tenacious mind set.
  • Fluency in Japanese and English both written and verbal.
  • Ability to perform as a good coordinator with relevant departments.
  • 1-3 years of compliance experience is plus.

Hiring Manager:

Head of RD Claims Dept.

Job Title:

Claims Manager


RD Claims Dept.

Report Line:

Head of RD Claims Dept.

Position Purpose/職務の目的




Direct Responsibilities

①   部門⾧より権限委譲された範囲の最終決裁者として迅速・正確に支払査定を決定

②   損保保険金部の支払業務に関し、各種 KPI 等を達成する。

③   短期的および中⾧期的な課題を認識し、改善策を部門⾧に提案。設定した部門目標・課題の達成に主体的に係わり貢献する。

④   新商品開発および規程変更に伴うシステムの開発要件定義を行なう。

⑤   苦情・訴訟・インシデント等の発生時に、お客さま・パートナー等への対応および再発防止策を立案(案件の重要度に応じては上位者への相談を経て最終決定)

Contributing Responsibilities

⑥   部門内の中間的立場として、組織全体のパイプ役となり、円滑な業務遂行に貢献する。

Business Knowledge /求められるビジネス知識

①   団体保険(CPI・傷害保険・失業保険)に関する商品知識および提携パートナー銀行間の事務手続

②   民法・保険業法・約款等その他の各種社内規程の趣旨・内容を正確に理解し、応用が出来る。

③   MS Office(Excel、Word、Access、PowerPoint)の活用方法

Technical Experience / Competencies

①   生命保険・損害保険の支払査定実務の経験(約5年以上)

②   お客さまサービスに資する事務・サービス改善への取組み、システム開発などの豊富な経験

Behavioral Competencies / 職務上で求められる姿勢やコンピテンシー

①   会社全体・ETO 部門・損保保険金部の中⾧期・年度目標を十分に理解し、その実現に主体的に貢献する。

②   当社の社会的な役割・存在意義を念頭に置いた業務遂行。

Specific Qualifications (if required) / 特定の経験やスキル(必要な場合)

①   支払査定に関する知識(医学的な見識。外部の専門家・医師・弁護士に的確に相談・協議できるスキル)

②   商法・民法および約款解釈(約款、しおり、などで明確に解決できないケースについても、法律的な知識に基づき方向性を導き出すスキル)

③   生命保険講座合格・支払専門士試験合格・アンダーライター資格試験(初級・中級)

Skills Referential / 求められるスキル

Behavioural Skills: 自身の行動・姿勢に関するスキル

Ability to collaborate / Teamwork

Creativity & Innovation / Problem solving

Client focused

Choose an item.

Transversal Skills: 自身を超えて他に横断する・影響を与えるスキル

Ability to understand, explain and support change

Analytical Ability

Ability to develop and adapt a process 

Ability to anticipate business / strategic evolution

Ability to develop and leverage networks

Education Level: 教育レベル

Others: (if any) その他(もしあれば)

Hiring Manager:

Head of RD Claims Dept.

Job Title:

Claims Specialist


RD Claims Dept.

Report Line:

Head of RD Claims Dept.

Position Purpose / 職務の目的





Responsibilities / 職務の責任

Direct Responsibilities

①    支払査定案件を迅速・正確に遂行(1 次査定を完結)。

②    各種 KPI 目標の達成に貢献する。

③    支払査定関連業務(事務改善提案・支払査定関係規程等のメンテナンス等)を適時、円滑に実施。

④    担当する支払査定以外の付随業務(アサインされた範囲での決算事務・システム開発・その他業務)を上司の指示・アドバイスをもとに正確に実施。

⑤    新入社員(P1)への部内業務の OJT 等

Contributing Responsibilities

①   一次査定および関業務を担当し、決済者への円滑な連携に努める。

②   各種部内業務の一次担当者として円滑な部門業務の遂行に貢献する。

Business Knowledge / 求められるビジネス知識

①   団体保険(CPI・傷害保険・失業保険)に関する商品知識および提携パートナー銀行間の事務手続

②   民法・保険業法・約款等その他の各種社内規程の趣旨・内容を正確に理解するスキル

③   電話対応など適切なお客さま対応を行うスキル

④   MS Office(Excel、Word、PP)を用いた資料の作成

Technical Experience / Competencies / 求められる技術的経験・コンピテンシー

①   生命保険・損害保険の支払査定実務の経験(約3年以上)

②   お客さま・パートナー銀行の事務担当者からの照会等に適切に対応(約3年以上)

Behavioral Competencies / 職務上で求められる姿勢やコンピテンシー

①   会社・部門目標、ビジョンを理解した日常業務の遂行。


②   組織内の支払査定業務および課題等の進捗に目配せしながら、自身の役割に限らず、周辺業務にも積極的に取り組む姿勢。

Specific Qualifications (if required) / 特定の経験やスキル(必要な場合)

①   生命保険講座合格

②   支払専門士試験合格

③   アンダーライター試験・初級合格

Skills Referential / 求められるスキル

Behavioural Skills: 自身の行動・姿勢に関するスキル

Ability to collaborate / Teamwork

Attention to detail / rigor

Communication skills – oral & written

Client focused

Transversal Skills: 自身を超えて他に横断する・影響を与えるスキル Transversal Skills:

Ability to understand, explain and support change

Ability to set up relevant performance indicators

Education Level: 教育レベル

Others: (if any) その他(もしあれば)

What is this position about?

If you like to be at the forefront driving progress and development, doing things better for your clients and your career, unleash your potential at BNP Paribas.

We are seeking a Japanese qualified lawyer to join BNP Paribas’ Global Markets Legal (Japan) team.  The Global Markets Legal (Japan) team currently comprises three (3) international qualified lawyers.   The Global Markets Legal (Japan) team provides support to all of BNP Paribas’ Global Markets business lines in Japan and regularly works closely with our business teams, control functions and management to provide advice on OTC derivative transactions, issuances of structured securities (including repackaging transactions), securities lending and repurchase transactions, debt capital markets transactions, securitization transactions, reinsurance transactions and sales/trading activities.

Our ideal candidate is a Japanese law qualified lawyer who has (i) broad experience in advising on financial transactions and the related legal and regulatory requirements which underpin those transactions and (ii) strong Japanese and English language skills.  Experience advising on capital markets, derivative and structured finance transactions are an important consideration for this role.

What would be your typical day at BNPP Paribas look like?

Primary Role Responsibilities

In this role, you will be responsible for providing legal advice and support for transactional, regulatory projects which relate to Global Markets’ business activity in Japan (the Primary Coverage Area).  This entails:

  1. providing legal advice to front, middle and back-office personnel regarding the Primary Coverage Area and any related matters;
  2. drafting, reviewing, commenting on and negotiating legal documentation and otherwise providing transactional support and Japanese legal and regulatory advice on matters within the Primary Coverage Area;
  3. participating in, and contributing to, the validation process for new business, products and transactions within the Primary Coverage Area;
  4. drafting and/or reviewing BNPP’s internal policies and procedures which are relevant to the Primary Coverage Area:
  5. applying and implementing BNPP’s global, regional and local policies and procedures relevant to the Primary Coverage Area;
  6. providing legal or any other support to litigation or any other type of disputes involving BNPP group companies which are related to the Primary Coverage Area;
  7. appointing of external law firms, and managing relationships with external law firms in connection with the Primary Coverage Area;
  8. monitoring new law and regulations and any significant regulatory/industry developments which impact upon the Primary Coverage Area and, where appropriate, updating the Japan Legal team on such developments;
  9. assisting with global, regional and local projects assigned by the Head of Legal or the Head of Global Markets Legal, whether related to the Primary Coverage Area or not; and
  10. assisting with any ancillary matters related to the above or otherwise assigned by the Head of Legal or the Head of Global Markets Legal.

Other contributions

You will also be expected to demonstrate:

  1. technical knowledge, experience and ability (including analytical skills) within the Primary Coverage Area;
  2. ability to review and draft legal documentation in Japanese and English;
  3. confidence to advise on legal/regulatory issues related to the Primary Coverage Area but also in managing relationships with, and the expectations of, colleagues in front office, control and/or management roles, who may sometimes be very demanding; and
  4. ability to communicate effectively and confidently with individuals at all levels of seniority and from different cultures.

What is required for you to succeed?

In order to succeed, you should:

  1. have a willingness to take ownership of assigned matters and projects;
  2. have a pro-active and “can-do” attitude;
  3. have the ability to independently progress legal-related assignments/projects and drive them through to completion;
  4. be detail oriented but also able to act with perspective;
  5. be adaptable;
  6. be intellectual curiosity;
  7. have the ability to work as part of a team including, without limitation, making updates/reports to your supervisor and your colleagues properly and in a timely manner; and
  8. be native Japanese speaker and fluent in English.

Required education/certification/licenses

Admission to practice in Japan (ideally with at least 6 – 10 years post-qualification experience).


As the leading European Union bank, and one of the world’s largest financial institutions with an uninterrupted presence in the region since 1860, BNP Paribas offers a wide range of financial services for corporate, institutional and private investors spanning corporate and institutional banking, wealth management, asset management and insurance.

We passionately embrace diversity and are committed to fostering an inclusive workplace where all employees are valued and encourage applicants of all backgrounds, including diversity of origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion applicants who may be living with a disability. We have a number of internal employee networks in place to empower our staff to act and challenge the status quo.

·       BNP Paribas PRIDE is highly active in favour of the LGBTQIA+ community

·       BNP Paribas MixCity which fosters better representation of women at all levels of the organization

·       Ability, the mutual aid network for employees with a disability or a disabling or chronic illness

·       BNP Paribas CulturAll which celebrates diverse backgrounds

BNP is committed to financing a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. The Group is a founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance and has set up its own Low Carbon Transition Group to support its clients through their energy transitions.


More information

BNP Paribas – Diversity & Inclusion Journey

BNP Paribas – The Bank Of Green Changes

Award Obtained

BNPP has won Top employer Europe award in a 10th consecutive year

Position Purpose

CIB Finance Japan is committed to be a valued Business Partner to the Métiers and other Functions in their daily business activities and development plans by providing them with timely and high quality financial information to make informed business decisions to effectively achieve their strategic goals.

In CIB Finance, Financial Reporting team is in charge of:

  • Managing the accounting closing of Securities company and Bank branch
  • Review of Head Office Reporting under IFRS performed by Regional Finance
  • Local regulatory reporting under broker dealer and banking license
  • Local statutory reporting under JGAAP
  • Tax computation and support for tax filing
  • Financial analysis, monitoring of revenue and costs including internal reporting for the entity
  • Define accounting treatment for new products
  • Maintaining sound permanent operational control systems.

·       Monitor prudential capital ratio and liquidity (relevant to BNPP Securities Japan only), and submit financial information to the supervisory authorities.

Fostering a culture of active collaboration and communication with the Business and other Functions.

Direct Responsibilities

As Head of Shoken Financial Accounting team, responsible for financial accounting of BNPP Securities Japan by

  • Reviewing monthly/annual book closing and daily general ledger maintenance
  • Supervising the preparation of local statutory reports and audit reports
  • Ensuring proper reconciliation and adjustments for month-end closing with the team
  • Ensuring accurate and timely Transfer Pricing validation and split calculation with by the tea
  • Performing various controls built within the accounting and reporting processes, and contribute to the application of BNPP accounting control plan
  • Ensuring proper documentation of procedures and controls are in place
  • Maintaining daily/monthly net capital ratio at sufficient level with facing off business
  • Ensuring accurate and timely submission of local regulatory reports including liquidity reports
  • Assessing impacts of new products/trades from accounting and regulatory capital perspective
  • Corresponding with external/internal auditors and regulators
  • Providing financial analysis and presentation to the CFO and stakeholders including cost and revenue monitoring/analysis/reporting by business 
  • Driving enhancements and operational process improvements in production, control procedures, and workflow organization to increase efficiency and effectiveness
  • Handling adhoc requirements on financial accounting
  • Managing and leading entire team including task assignment/coordination, setting objectives and  monitoring the progress
  • Managing and motivating people with continuous feedback and annual appraisal
  • Leading staff for successful completion of the new tasks and projects/initiatives

Contributing Responsibilities

  • Ensuring good coordination and communication with the CIB Finance teams in the Region
  • Contributing to BNPP operational permanent control framework and the Department’s efficiency and productivity
  • Contributing to cross border / company‐wide / ITO projects
  • Sharing information with other sections for efficiency of their operation

Essential Qualification and Experience

  • Minimum 10 years of experience in financial accounting and reporting in broker dealer business
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in managing teams
  • Strong accounting knowledge of IFRS,JGAAP, and tax accounting rules
  • Strong understanding of broker dealer products and business
  • Native in Japanese and business level verbal and written communication skills in English
  • Excellent computer skills, especially in advance Excel to manage large volume of data

Highly Desirable Skills

·       Self-starter, disciplined, independent, and highly motivated

·       Eager to learn and strong initiative to improve controls, documentation and efficiency

·       Collaborative and aspire to contribute to team and organization

·       Analytical skills with systematic approach to solve issues and interpret financial information

·       Deadline focused, with the ability to manage multiple deadlines under time pressure

·       Presentation to management on accounting and reporting topics

·     Sufficient understanding of financial and operational risk control requirements to ensure that financial systems in place are compliant and continuously monitored

Specific Qualifications

·         CPA or equivalent qualification


  • Provide technical support for Order Management System (OMS) and Execution Management System(EMS) for Cash Equity, and Equity principal trading desk. 
  • Perform Morning checks and provide continuous monitoring on systems and software applications. 
  • Implement and maintain monitoring tools to proactively identify potential issues or performance concerns. 
  • Proactively seek to improve efficiency by automating manual tasks. 
  • Identify and troubleshoot software application issues, escalate the issue to relevant teams to resolve the issue efficiently and effectively. 
  • Provide regular communication to users throughout the resolution process. 
  • Document incident details, root cause and solution accurately in ServiceNow. Conduct root cause analysis and implement preventive measures to enhance system stability and performance. 
  • Manage application system releases; review the change, follow implementation plan accurately and perform post implementation checks. Ensure communication of changes to stakeholders. 
  • Provide system and process documentation.  
  • Assist in the preparation of periodic and ad-hoc reporting. 


  • Assist Business users (Traders & Sales) with trade related inquiries. 
  • Understand business needs and provide/propose feasible and quick solutions to business. 
  • Efficiently manage coordination with regional and global IT teams. 
  • Liaise with exchange, external vendors and external service providers for support related inquiries. 


  • Adhere to the internal guideline, policies and procedures; including incident management and system change management procedures. 
  • Direct contribution to BNP Paribas operational permanent control framework. 

Contributing Responsibilities 

  • Early support shift  
  • Perform ad hoc weekend work (DR drill, weekend maintenance and releases), on a rotation basis

Technical & Functional 

  • Financial product knowledge: Equities  
  • Development: Python, Unix scripting, SQL, VBA & Excel 
  • Platform: Windows & Linux 
  • Tools: Geneos, Dynatrace, Autosys, ServiceNow, SharePoint, Excel & JIRA 
  • Concepts: Strong knowledge of Cash Equity business flow, Order life cycle, Japanese Exchanges (TSE, ToSTnet) and PTS (Japanext, CBOE Japan), OTC (JSDA)   
  • Technologies: FIX protocol, OMS & EMS, Databases (Oracle), Messaging middleware (Solace), Network, Client/Server Architecture  
  • Knowledge of ITIL principles 
  • Knowledge of the trading lifecycle (with focus on front office systems) 


  • Highly motivated, Quick learner and self-starter.  
  • Ability to work independently and work collaboratively within the team. 
  • Strong analytic and troubleshooting skill. 
  • Effective communication skills(written and verbal). 
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks. Remain organized and prioritize effectively under pressure. 
  • Specific QualificationsFluent in English (mandatory) 
  • Japanese (recommended but not mandatory) 
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or relevant fields 
  • 4+ years of work experience in financial industry (preferably Front Office IT)  

Hiring Manager:

Head of Transformation Dept.

Job Title:

Digital Transformation Lead


Transformation Dept.

Report Line:

Head of Transformation Dept.

Position Purpose

Digital Transformation Lead will play a core role to define the company’s digital strategy, and lead to deliver new digital projects. You will report to Head of Transformation Dept. and, in collaboration with the Cardif Head Office and Regional Office, you will be in charge of aligning local capacity and objectives with global corporate initiatives. You will also be a product owner of our digital assets on business side, being responsible for defining business requirements with key stakeholders in Sales, Distribution, Marketing, Operations and other business departments, liaising with PMO and IT departments to deploy digital technologies and services that meet customer/partner needs.


Direct Responsibilities

l  Lead digital initiatives with a particular focus on achieving ideal E2E customer/partner experiences in conjunction with sales, distribution, marketing, and operations.

l  Responsible for respective digital assets from planning to delivery as product owner, also overseeing continuous enhancement after go-live.

l  Create best-in-class UI/UX for customer/partner using modern, agile approaches, including MVP prototypes, user test acceptance, and transition to industrialization.

l  Define go-to-market strategy with our sales, distribution, operations etc. for new digital business models, ecosystems and FinTech partnerships.

l  Promote and educate digital across all the departments and identify opportunities to improve our customer/partner/employee journeys via digitalization. 

l  Manage Cardif Japan’s innovation framework, driving local initiatives in alignment with HO/RO’s platforms (Innovation Ambassador/Innovation Factory)

l  Define and monitor key KPIs for each digital asset, also create associated presentations and reports for key stakeholders.

l  Help coordinate actions between HO, RO, and Japan, including particularly regional or global teams involved in digital sales, marketing, and distribution initiatives.

Contributing Responsibilities

l  Be a key contact point connecting different departments and external vendors.

l  Oversee business and functional requirements for digital projects and initiatives.

l  Follow defined project methodology & governance (waterfall and agile).

l  Ensure projects run in a compliant manner (legal/compliance/quality assurance/security).

l  Help coordinate actions between HO, RO, and Japan.

l  Creation of reports and presentation for senior management.

Business Knowledge

l  Background knowledge or working experience in insurance or financial services industry.

l  Sound knowledge of agile development methodologies and design thinking.

l  Practical knowledge for business analysis and design new business process/architecture.

l  Working Knowledge of UI/UX design and customer experience definition.

Technical Experience / Competencies

l  Demonstrated experience in delivering digital solutions and driving transformation in insurance or financial services industry.

l  Excellent project management skills and the ability to work with multiple internal/external stakeholders and complex processes.

l  Proven skill sets to analyze current business, identify pain points, design new business process and architecture, with supporting technology/tools for the change.

l  Ability to facilitate, manage and implement organizational, cultural changes and business transformation company wide.

l  UI/UX designing skills along with customer journey. Experience of graphic design tools (ie. Figma) and HTML/CSS coding skills are plus.

l  Good communication and presentation skills to persuade, influence, convince, and engage others, as well as navigate between business and technical languages.

l  Attention to detail, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Behavioral Competencies

l  Teamwork and the ability to collaborate with diverse stakeholders, including the ability to respect differing points of view and seek common ground.

l  Leadership to inspire and motivate people or teams, promoting enthusiasm and commitment, leading by example, and emphasizing contributions and successes.

l  Ability to maintain performance and sound judgement under pressure and/or opposition.

l  Ability to connect, establish and build relationships.

l  Entrepreneurial spirit, motivated to solve complex issues.

l  Insatiable curiosity and hunger to learn new skills and approaches

Specific Qualifications (if required)

l  At least 5 years’ work experience, preferably in insurance, financial services and/or consulting

l  Bilingual in Japanese and English (both verbal and written)

Skills Referential

Behavioural Skills:

Personal Impact / Ability to influence

Creativity & Innovation / Problem solving

Ability to deliver / Results driven

Ability to collaborate / Teamwork

Transversal Skills:

Ability to manage a project

Ability to understand, explain and support change

Ability to anticipate business / strategic evolution

Ability to inspire others & generate people’s commitment

Ability to manage / facilitate a meeting, seminar, committee, training…

Education Level:

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Master’s degree is a plus.

Others: (if any)

As the leading European Union bank, and one of the world’s largest financial institutions with an uninterrupted presence in the region since 1860, BNP Paribas offers a wide range of financial services for corporate, institutional and private investors spanning corporate and institutional banking, wealth management, asset management and insurance. 

We passionately embrace diversity and are committed to fostering an inclusive workplace where all employees are valued and encourage applicants of all backgrounds, including diversity of origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion applicants who may be living with a disability. We have a number of internal employee networks in place to empower our staff to act and challenge the status quo.

•    BNP Paribas PRIDE is highly active in favour of the LGBTQIA+ community
•    BNP Paribas MixCity which fosters better representation of women at all levels of the organization
•    Ability, the mutual aid network for employees with a disability or a disabling or chronic illness
•    BNP Paribas CulturAll which celebrates diverse backgrounds

BNP is committed to financing a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. The Group is a founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance and has set up its own Low Carbon Transition Group to support its clients through their energy transitions.


More information 
BNP Paribas – Diversity & Inclusion Journey
BNP Paribas – The Bank Of Green Changes

Award Obtained
BNPP has won Top employer Europe award in a 10th consecutive year

Position Purpose

This position is assigned to one of each product in either Product Control (“Middle Office Operations” is part of this functional group), Transaction Processing or Transversal Service team in Osaka.

•    Product Control (Middle Office Operations” is part of this functional group) is responsible for trade capture, reconciliation, settlement monitoring of affiliates, business enablement and reporting for 3 products (Cash Equity / Stock Loan / Fixed Income) as below and Team member is initially assigned one product and expanded to another product at later stage.

1.    Cash Equity: supports the Agency & facilitation desks trading activities
2.    Stock Loan: supports stock loan and funding collateral desk trading activities. 
3.    Fixed Income: supports the outright/repo transactions which desks trade

•    Transaction Processing is responsible for the day-to-day settlement and corporate action management/asset servicing for below products. Team operates in close collaboration with traders, marketers, sales and other internal function teams to offer client-first post trade services.  

Products to cover by the team
1.    Fixed Income
2.    Equity 
3.    Listed Derivatives
4.    Trust Investment

•    Transversal Support offers client-first transversal operation services for Shoken and Ginko entities, by closely working with front office, middle office, backoffice, outsources in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and India. This team is responsible for
1.    Regulatory Reporting
2.    Depo / Nostro balance Reconciliation
3.    Client Asset Segregation
4.    Invoice payment and cost allocation

Key Responsibilities

Product Control / Transaction Processing

1.    Trade Capturing in systems
2.    Confirmations
3.    Settlement with onshore/offshore clients
4.    Processing Life Cycle Events – Corporate action management and asset servicing
5.    Day to Day Control & Monitoring 
6.    Accounting Control
7.    Tax processing
8.    Reconciliations
9.    Reportings (Client/Regulatory/Internal)
10.    Business Enablement
11.    Billing processing
12.    Request for Static Data maintenance
13.    Anti-Money Laundering / Financial Sanctions (“AML/FS”) related duties

Transversal Service

1.    Regulatory Reporting
–    Prepare and submit regulatory reports to FSA, BOJ, JSDA, MOF, JPX, FFAJ

2.    Depo / Nostro balance reconciliation
–    Systematically reconcile depo and nostro balances between booking systems vs. depo / nostro account statements

3.    Client Asset Segregation
–    Calculate client asset cash amount, and segregate cash with trust banks
–    Monitor client asset securities are segregated by relevant settlement teams

4.    Invoice payment and cost allocation
–    Pay monthly invoices issued by exchange, CCP, association, vendor
–    Allocate cost of paid invoices to relevant teams based on business activities

Anti-Money Laundering / Financial Sanctions (“AML/FS”) related duties

Operations are an integral part of the control framework including for AML/FS topics. In that respect, in performing your role you are expected to ensure adherence to AML/FS-related Group Policies and execution of associated operational controls, and to promptly escalate any resulting hit for analysis and decision.

Competencies (Technical / Behavioral)

1.    Communication
Verbal & Written Skill in English and Japanese. Interpersonal skills to work with others, across departments, countries, senior managements and external parties. Speak with confidence. 

2.    Work Quality & Efficiency
Accuracy and completeness of the assignment. Process improvement and design new processes and documentation.  Time management and Prioritization skill. Think out of box approach. Ability to apt to new ways. 

3.    Team Work & Culture
Ability and willingness to learn. Team player. Build trust and confidence.  Lead by example. 

4.    Problem Solving
Root-cause analytical and good judgement for escalation.  Provide solutions and proposal.   

5.    Compliance and Risk/Control  mindset

Specific Qualifications Required

•    4 year college degree or equivalent
•    Native in Japanese and business level in English
•    At ease with numbers
•    Managing the pressure 
•    Basic OA skills (Word, Excel, Outlook)

•    JSDA Sales Representative Qualification (Class 1 & 2) 
•    SWIFT knowledge